Day 5: 4 August 2005

The weather forecast was not promising this morning. 1500m with 1.5 m/s. A trough line due at 2pm would weaken thermals and they could shut off completely at 4pm.

Launching started at 11:45 with Standard Class last on the grid. We fearing it would be a distance day -- much like yesterday. The highest scoring club class pilot had only 211 points! Standard Class had over 700 so we were a bit better off.

The girls elected to start as soon as they could.

We sat at Aussie Base monitoring the radio, and as the afternoon progressed, the weather seemed to be improving with more sunshine, and nice cu. The overdevelopment of the morning did not continue.

While I sat at my Mac writing reports and sorting through photographs, a crew from the local TV station arrived and I needed to give a short interview, much to the amusement of the rest of the team.

The day was much better than forecast with no outlandings. It looks like Lisa Trotter may be 5th again today. Lisa Turner was a little slower, having missed a climb. But she started final glide with the Germans and beat them home by several minutes.

A member of the UK team rode by on her bicycle. Having gotten home quicker than us, she innocently asked if our girls were home yet. She was rewarded with most of the contents of a bottle of water since it is such a hot day (low 20's). Is this the start of something?

A Ka6CR and a K8 landed with happy young pilots who achieved 50km flights. Both these gliders were in immaculate condition (as have been all wood/fabric gliders we've seen over here)
