Team Captain's Report 27 July 2005

The Conway's all arrived Sunday night after a week touring through Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Austria with a borrowed campervan.

One of our first jobs Monday morning was to establish "Aussie Base". The girls had bought a large marquee so we put that up, and then went on the scrounge for bits for a pole mount for our VHF antenna.

Peter Trotter and David found an aluminium pole behind the winch shed. This was supplemented with a quick run to the hardware store to buy an extra bit to lengthen the pole, and some bits to make and attach guywires.

We also put the Australian flag and the boxing kangaroo on the pole.

Many thanks to the folks in the Adelaide University Engineering Dept who helped with design and construction of the antenna/groundplane system. It appears to be working very well.

Even the youngest members of the team helped with the project.

Tonight was a team captains meeting. Tomorrow is the first official practice day which will give us a chance to check out how well our procedures work.
